Negotiations which Optimise results
Your sparring partner and strategic consultant for upcoming negotiations
Good negotiators are made rather than born. Yet you can also easily acquire and deploy the relevant skills and tactics.
What does it take?
Firstly, never enter a foreseeable negotiation unprepared. Few of us can spontaneously develop and deploy the optimal strategy in the middle of a negotiation. Instead of walking into the negotiation blind, take the opportunity offered by an experienced negotiations sparring partner to prepare a logical plan on the basis of which your interests and needs are clarified and clear priorities defined in advance.
Let us jointly explore the possible interests behind the positions of your opposite number. Let us also prepare targeted questions which can confirm or clarify these assumptions during the course of the negotiation.
Protect your interests and add value for both sides
Discover hidden value for you and the other party with my support either before or during important negotiations. Achieve deals which go far beyond the lowest common denominator.
Clearly formulated objectives allow you to keep these in focus, avoid making unnecessary compromises and yet at the same time maintain and develop the relationship with your negotiation partner.
Even if things don’t go 100% to plan during the negotiation, you’ll know when it’s time to resort to your Plan B (BATNA) and when you can and should leave the negotiation with a clear conscience.
“The great coaching from Ian in connection with critical negotiations has supported me greatly during the course of my career. I was also competently and confidingly coached in many key decision-making situations. Ian is an excellent coach and consultant due to his expertise and track record.”
Don’t leave money on the negotiation table
Leverage my many years of negotiation experience, with hotel chains and airlines, for example. Just a few hours is all it takes to develop a strategy and define which negotiation roles you and/or your team want to play.
So that no money is left on the negotiation table and so that you know when no deal is better than a bad deal. All doable by means of simple tools, helpful tips and minimal time inputs.
I look forward to a non-binding, free-of-charge and, of course, strictly confidential call on +43 676 477 5016.